In our busy modern lives, it can feel like there's just not enough hours in the day, often meaning we neglect the more important aspects of our life including our own health and wellbeing. We need a way to get healthy and in shape that is quick, efficient, but most importantly, actually works. How about something that can burn over 500+ calories in 30 minutes, then? How about a method that can help you actually cope with the stress that we mentioned above? All while improving your skin, blood pressure and circulation? We think that if you lose the wait, you’ll lose the weight – and that a traditional home sauna or infrared sauna could be the answer to your problems. Because we believe in this so much and think that people can genuinely benefit greatly from their use, we put together the infographic below that tackles how you can balance your social life, career and fitness by just being a little more efficient with how you get, or keep, in shape! [caption id="attachment_873" align="alignleft" width="800"]An infographic we created on the benefits of infrared saunas and how they can revolutionise your schedule. An infographic we created on the benefits of infrared saunas and how they can revolutionise your schedule.[/caption]

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Data presented in infographic:
  • Infrared saunas can burn over 500 calories in 30 minutes, which is more than doing the following for the same amount of time:
    • Playing tennis (approximately 200 calories)
    • Swimming (approximately 300 calories)
    • Playing football (approximately 400 calories)
  • Saunas are as common in Finland as television sets
  • Lady Gaga and Jennifer Aniston thank infrared saunas for their health and beauty
  • Only one in ten people lose weight through dieting alone
  • Saunas reduce the risk of heart disease by over 50% and also:
    • Lower your blood pressure
    • Improve circulation
    • Relieve stress