The Power of Aromatherapy: 6 Essential Oils to Set The Mood This Valentine's Day!

Let’s face it, 2020 was…an exceptional year. 

From the unwelcomed introduction of the coronavirus and the scarcity of toilet paper to the probability of a World War 3 and the devastating forest fires in Australia. 


Now that we have arrived in 2021, things are starting to look up at the very least. Vaccines are being distributed evenly around the world, we’re living in a hopeful, stabilized climate, and that’s only in January! 

With February hitting soon, home-based plans for the coronavirus version of Valentine’s Day, many are wondering how to keep the romantic streak of their relationships maintained. Luckily, we have just the guide for you.


I want you to try something. Relax your shoulders, sit as straight as you can and look at your partner.

Take a deep breath… for about 4 seconds. 

Hold your breath…. Around 7 seconds. 

Exhale…. 8 seconds. 

One more time… inhale… hold…. And exhale.

What do you feel when you look at them? Maybe emotions of happiness, comfortability, a hint of passion, or maybe even a little hint of frustration from them failing to wash their dishes for the 50th time! 

Whatever emotion you feel with them right beside you, we have the correct way to enhance this feeling romantically, in time for Valentine’s Day no less! How you may ask? Well, by using the love potion that you can purchase from our local stores, essential oils!

Essential Oils: Aromatherapy

Essential oils are, in their most basic form, oils that encapsulate a plant’s scent (or “essence”) which provide each essential oil its own, unique fragrance. These oils are commonly used for aromatherapy, a form of healing treatment used for health and well-being and enhancing both physical and emotional health. 

Aromatherapy and its use of essential oils also have properties that can help with various other aspects of personal life, such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, and even cosmetic products such as perfumes. 

But, it doesn’t just stop there.

Aromatherapy for Couples!

Other than a great variety of health benefits, aromatherapy plays a significant role in relationships by sparking varied forms of energy between you and your partner. 

This energy can take the form of relaxation, excitement, love, romance, and all sorts. The perfect blend of different moods to try out for Valentine’s Day!

Now that we’ve established the primary reason as to why you may want to use essential oils for your upcoming couple’s date, let’s break down some of the best, most effective ways that you can achieve a romantic atmosphere using aromatherapy.

Different Oils for Different Moods

To establish the best, most effective romance-inducing oils, we looked into the different properties of plants and their contribution to our health. 

According to various research sites, the essential oils listed below (along with their best mixes and the best match for their associated moods) are considered to be the best choices for a romantic day-in for Valentine’s Day.


From Rosa Damascena


Ah the rose, a contemporary focus for many romantic poets and lovers since the Shakespearean days. The symbolic virtue of roses, however, is more than its beautiful, pink petals.

Best mixes for rose oil

The iconic fragrance of the rose essential oil is complementary with a wide variety of different scents extracted from different plants. However, to ensure that Valentine’s Day is done correctly, we recommend the following mixture: 

  • 3 drops of Rose essential oil 
  • 4 drops of Neroli essential oil 
  • 1 drop of Jasmine essential oil

From this, you and your partner can enjoy a calming night, rekindling your passion for each other as a floral, romantic ambiance cascade around the room.

Mood: romance

What makes the rose oil a valuable use for inducing romantic moods for Valentine’s Day is its calming fragrance. By utilizing the essential oils of roses, you’re providing an accentuated fragrance that can ignite the romantic flame between you and your partner, through the rose’s sweet​ and succulent scent.

Ylang Ylang

From Cananga Odorata. 

Extracted from various, warm-centered countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, some parts of Australia, and Indonesia, the Ylang Ylang is a star-shaped flower that presents an aroma that accentuates a rich, flowery and sweet fragrance.

Best mixes for ylang ylang

Ylang Ylang’s calm, warming aroma is best blended with oils that also provide a similar effect. But for the best blend to underline the romantic atmosphere this Valentine’s Day, it’s best to use the following recipe to strengthen the emotional excitement that you and your partner have.

  • 2 drops of Ylang Ylang essential oil
  • 2 drops of Geranium
  • 4 drops of Clary Sage essential oil

Be warned, as this blend creates an amorous mood between partners, producing an aura of togetherness and passion that feels new and exciting. We suggest that you explore these feelings!

mood: lust

The Ylang Ylang oil creates an anecdotally intense, arousing feeling for those that utilize its purposes, making this oil an extremely valuable fragrance for Valentine’s Day to spark the sexual atmosphere for you and your partner.


From Sandalum Album

Known as the most health-conscious essential oil on the list, the Sandalwood oil is derived from the East Indian Sandalwood tree, and thought to be one of the most valuable trees in the world in providing various health benefits.

Best mixes for sandalwood

The aromatic power of Sandalwood essential oils its sweet and woody notes, as well as its advantages for health. In keeping with the theme of romance and love, however, the optimum mix for this type of oil would be:

  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops of Sandalwood essential oil 

The contrasting notes between both essential oils provide a soothing, relaxing aura for those couples who simply want to sit back, relax and wind down, allowing them to enjoy each other’s company this Valentine’s Day.

Mood: relaxed

The Sandalwood essential oil may be the least popular among the “romantic” category of all essential oils, though its components allow others to feel more meditative and relaxed, making it a worthy choice for creating amorous moods with your partner.


From Cedrus Atlantica

Cedarwood essential oil is derived from cedar trees (sometimes referred to as juniper trees) and is commonly found in bathroom products such as shampoos to cosmetic products such as deodorants and colognes.

Best mixes for cedarwood

To capture the valuable essence kept within the aromatic cedarwood, and insulate an ardent ambiance between you and your partner, use the following to ensure a satisfying start and finish for your Valentine’s Day.

  • 2 drops of Cedarwood essential oil
  • 2 drops of Bergamot essential oil 
  • 2 drops of Sandalwood essential oil 

mood: satisfaction

What sets this essential oil apart from other romantic oils is its ability to release negativity and tension, and great for making you focus! This oil is also more catered towards men (due to its consideration for being an aphrodisiac for men), but can also work equally well in setting relaxing moods for women.


From Lavandula Angustifolia

The Lavender essential oil is distilled from the beautiful, organic flower tops of Lavender plants. Typically known as the “Father” of aromatherapy, Lavender plants present a soothing and refreshing effect through their essential oil.

best mix for lavender

Lavender is also relatively known for its adaptability with other essential oils, making it a versatile choice for anyone who’s simply starting out in trying aromatherapy. For a loving aroma that you and your partner can connect with, follow the recipe below: 

  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of Clary Sage essential oil
  • 2 drops of Peru Balsam

mood: connectivity

Its ability for relaxing those who use it and its traditional use for baths and bedtime rituals makes this oil an ideal choice for those who want to connect with their partner on a more intimate level. Feeling like you and your partner have somehow lost some of the closeness you used to have? Try out the Lavender essential oil mix.


From Ficus Ginseng

The Ginseng essential oil is harvested from the Ginseng plant, used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, and is classified as either fresh, red, or white (depending on the length of its growth).

Best mix for ginseng oil

While the Ginseng essential oil is usually used for medicinal purposes, its addition to specific mixes certainly brings out an atmospheric aura, depending on what’s added. For a euphoric feeling, use the following mix: 

  • 1 drop of Ginseng essential oil
  • 2 drops of Rosemary essential oil
  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil

mood: Euphoria

This is another oil that has been catered to for men due to its possible effects of better, more potent sex drive and better functionality, allowing you to have a great night for your Valentine’s Day.

Essential Oils: Best Practices for Valentine's Day

Now that we’ve established some of the best essential oils to use for this Valentine’s Day, how do we go about actually using them for ourselves, and our partners? 

Below are some substantial tips on how to incorporate your chosen essential oil mixture into the romantic spice you plan for yourself and your partner:

Your Sensual Massage

Treat your partner (or convince them to treat you) with a soothing couple’s massage, enhanced with the use of essential oils provided for you in this post!

Massages are already sensual and romantic in their own way, but with the addition of essential oils (using a diffuser or simply applied to your partner), massages for or from your partner will simply present twice as much love as a traditional massage. Massaging is also a great way to feel more physically connected with your partner, studying their body and sparking an aura of attraction between one another.

When it comes to massages, there is an almost endless list of different oils, oil mixtures and other substances you can use to make the experience much more pleasurable than it originally is, with different oils expressing different benefits for our body and mind. 

We recommend using the Lavender or Ylang Ylang mix for massages due to their sweetened scents, although stress-relieving oils such as Sandalwood can also work.

Bath Time

What speaks romance more than the intimate time you and your partner can have together spent in the bathtub?

Whether you want to prepare a nice, relaxing bath for your partner (and vice versa), or want to prepare it for yourself and your partner, you’ll need some essential oils to upgrade your regular couple’s bath to a deluxe, luxury, hotel-certified spa day. 

Not only is it beneficial for both your mental health, but for any physical pain you might feel as well. Warm baths are therapeutic in so many layers, and what better way to spend Valentine’s Day than to unwind with your partner in an aromatic, soothing bath? 

Our recommended essential oils can provide moods associated with relaxation and calmness, so oils like Sandalwood and Cedarwood mixes are the best options for your Valentine’s Day couple’s bath.

Provide Personal Scents (For your Partner)

Do you want to show how much you know your partner? To show much you know their wants, needs, pains, or pleasures? Why not create their own, personal essential oil mix as a gift? 

Nothing says thoughtfully than providing your partner a scent they can use to enhance their life aromatically, using the mixes mentioned above! 

Due to its personal intention, we can’t actively recommend any oils for this section. However, the corresponding moods can help guide you on how to pick the perfect mix! 

Want to give your relationship more euphoric? Try the Ginseng mix! Maybe romance needs to be more emphasized, then give them the Rose mix for a spark of that romantic feeling.

Spice Up The Bedroom

Speaking of romance, we feel that this last entry should be the most romantically-involved. COVID-19 has definitely scorned the romantic mood throughout its stay within the UK and anywhere else in the world. But by utilizing our recommended essential oils, you can relight the passionate flame once shown in the bedroom this Valentine’s Day.

Essential oils can assist with increasing sexual performance from both men and women, and to do this, we recommend utilizing an essential oil diffuser (you can buy them or simply create your own). 

The romantic scent emanating in the background can subtly set the mood - which can also be used during your planned dinner and wine - leading up to the bedroom! 

We highly recommend using a small hint of our Rose or Lavender mix. Their associated moods can make you and your partner both romantically recharged, and connected as well.

Have a Great Valentine's Day!

This Valentine’s Day, or any day, in particular, we hope that our selection of different essential oils, their respective mixes and the moods they produce in the room will be a beneficial addition to whatever you have planned with your partner.

In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s definitely important to spend this time with that special someone. Essential oils, while greatly enhances the mood it sets out to bring, are not as important as the person you’re spending your time with. 

Whether you want to simply have a small, meaningful dinner with your partner, a relaxing walk around the local park, or watch some romantic movies in the comfort of each other’s company, just remember one thing. 


As Trent Shelton once said,

“Your flaws are perfect for the one that’s meant for you”


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